Arc fault detection module for cooperation with any kind of protection relay

     Protects peopleand quipment against arc faults

     Quick arc fault detection

     Cooperation with any kind of protection relay

     Selectivity of shutdowns

     Light detection with front sensors and optical fibre loops

     Voltage-free connection of sensors

     Self-testing for circuit integrity and fiber optic cable continuity

     Communication with SCADA RS485 Modbus-RTU

     Output contacts 220 DC. Additional strong contact can be used for direct short-circuit tripping 

     Error signaling

     Many years of experience


The essence of the problem

Human errors e.g. wrong connections, bad work organization, cause most (60%) of arc faults. The best solution to protect people and electrical equipment against arc faults is specialized protection, that detects arc fault light. Such solution is the fastest and the most effective way of minimizing the damages effect of arc faults. 

Key protection factor: arc fault duration time

Arc duration time = time of light detection + logic time (executed in protection relay) + circuit breaker time.

In ADM protection, detection impulse send to protection relay is generated in the time below 5 ms. Time of bay protection logic (10-50ms) and time of circuit breaker (CB) (25-50 ms) must be also included. Tripping time below 100ms ensures full protection of people health and life and limits equipment damage to the minimum.

It is very important to optimise protection relay logic to ensure as fast tripping as only possible.

Each 10ms of arc fault protection faster reaction provides significant safety benefit!